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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blog Your Blessing Sunday - Unseasonably Warm Weather

Blog Your Blessings Sunday

Here it is mid-November and the past week we have enjoyed some of the loveliest weather possible for this time of year.  It was such a blessing in so many ways.  We were able to get the sunporch staircase painted which will make the house show a bit better.  We painted the lower staircase railings as well.  I thought for sure the weather would turn before we could get the painting finished.  Hallowe'en weekend we ended up putting the furnace on set to 68ºF (day) and 66ºF (night) but once I got home I set the furnace to hold at 66ºF and using the gas fireplace instead.  The gas fireplace is doing a great job at keeping the main living area above 66ºF so the furnace hasn't kicked on which means we are saving on the electricity needed to run the furnace fan.  So that has been a real blessing.

We did have two disappointments this past week.  First we found out the house we were interested in buying had an offer in pending a home inspection.  I doubt the house will fail that so dashes those hopes.  The second disappointment came in a couple that were very interested in buying our home to the point they set up an appointment to go through again before putting in an offer.  Those hopes were dashed when they cancelled the appointment saying they decided they didn't want to move after all.  Well these things happen for a reason so as my husband says it wasn't meant to be.  These types of minor setbacks are blessing that teach patience and appreciation for what you already have as well as reinforce faith and hope that all works out in the end.

Garden Gnome

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