We made our first turkey run of the season last night. Due to price controls in Ontario the price of turkeys seldom drop below $1.99 per pound. This past Thanksgiving one store had utility and Grade A turkeys on for 99¢ per pound which is pretty much unheard of. That was definitely a loss leader sale! Turkeys go on sale in the US for as low as 29¢ per lb with an additional purchase of usually $20 to $30 the week of the American Thanksgiving. We are fortunate enough to live where we can make a turkey run to the US to take advantage of the savings. Each adult is allowed to bring one turkey 20 lb or under back into Canada per trip but there are no restrictions as to the number of trips you can make in a day. Our major restriction is freezer space. With a bit of careful reorganization we might possibly be able to get 4 turkeys in the freezers, two for us and one each for a couple of our kids. Meijer had turkeys on sale (hens $9 off and toms $16 off) so two turkeys came home with us last night. We still need to make another turkey run this week.
Garden Gnome
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