I love shoes! I have a serious shoe fetish owning several pairs that are still new, never worn and several pairs that have only been worn once and yet I continue to buy shoes. I'm a shoe looker as well. Shoes can send a strong message about you as a person. For example, the woman who stuffs her foot into a too small shoe may have self esteem issues so is trying to look smaller than she is or she may not be able to afford shoes so is forced to wear a pair that is too small. Trend setting shoes sometimes make me chuckle. Everyone loves their Birkenstocks but I tell you walking around in an Ontario winter storm with grocery bags over your Birkenstocks that you've stuffed your work sock clad foot into really isn't making a statement other than stupidity. The only ones that look cute is those cheap plastic duck shoes are little kids and gardeners. Even worse is the dollar store plastic flip flops which really say "I haven't grown up" or "I can't afford to spend more than $1 on shoes". I'm sorry but trainers do not look good with dress attire but this one I can understand if wearing trainers to walk to and from work or a funtion but definitely not at work or a function. Wearing slippers in public is still not cool even if they match the pyjama bottoms you are wearing. Well worn but not junky shoes can be a sign of frugality. As you can see it do a fair amount of shoe pondering while people watching!
Garden Gnome
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