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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tuesday Morning's Excitement

freeing the James R. Baker lake freighter
Freeing the James R. Baker
March 23, 2010

It's is almost mind boggling how the water can change from day to day even in the best of weather. Last week we experienced above average temperatures but by Friday night it had changed back to the normal cold. Saturday the ice was threatening yet still moving but by Saturday night the water was jammed. It stayed jammed all day Monday. Tuesday morning I felt the vibration of a boat so looked out to see nothing then I realized just hidden from my view there was a lake freighter in the ice.

The James R. Baker a lake freighter needed help turning around but the ice was not making that task easy. It took a tug, two coast guard ice cutters and all morning to get the freighter on his way. The ice cutters kept churning and cutting the ice around the freighter while the tug pushed the bow to help straighten the freighter to the point he could pick up a bit of momentum to move forward through the thick ice. I managed to get several great stills along with several video clips even though it was quite cold outside. I was quite impressed! It was an interesting way to pass the morning hours.

Garden Gnome

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