I'm so glad you could stop by. This is my personal blog of daily life and my journey through life. You will find a strong emphasis on family and friends as well as finding my ancestors through genealogy. Unlike my other blogs this blog is more of a catch-all so any topic is fair game.

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blog Your Blessings Sunday - The Healing Process

Blog Your Blessings Sunday

My gosh it has been an interesting week to say the least!  I've spent most of it with my leg elevated so needless to say I have got little done.  My husband has been quite attentive even during the pity fest I had on day two of being immobile.  Complicating the discomfort level was a previous injury that makes it rather painful to sit for more that about 20 minutes.  I have to be up and moving around something that was rather difficult on crutches.

As we age healing gets slower something I found out this past week.    At the same time our wisdom or common sense usually improves with age.  I was definitely less inclined to push my body through any pain.  Listening to my body was good common sense as it allowed me to start the healing process without doing further damage.  I also listened to the older ways as well using Arnica ointment to help the bruising heal faster.   I'm not a huge fan of pain medication especially for injuries the reason being is pain medication numbs the pain that is the body's way of saying to back things down leading to a greater chance of complicating the injury.  I'm a firm believer that pain medication can actually cause more harm in many cases.  So as with most health care I took the natural approach. 

It will likely be another good week of healing before being back to normal.  My leg still looks rather ugly but the important thing is each day there are little signs of healing.  That is a good thing!  The body is a remarkable machine that has the potential to heal itself if given the chance.

Garden Gnome

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jails and Nursing Homes

[from my email files:  I can't say that I don't agree with this one.  It seems the criminals get a much better deal than those who have worked hard all their lives and simply need a bit of care in their senior years.  Keep the good ones coming!]


Jails and Nursing Homes

Here's the way it should be:

  • Let's put the seniors in jail and the criminals in nursing homes..
  • This would correct two things in one motion:
  • Seniors would have access to showers, hobbies and walks.
  • They would receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheel chairs, etc.
  • They would receive money instead of having to pay it out.
  • They would have constant video monitoring, so they would be helped instantly if they fell or needed assistance.
  • Bedding would be washed twice a week and all clothing would be ironed and returned to them.
  • A guard would check on them every 20 minutes.
  • All meals and snacks would be brought to them
  • They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose.
  • They would have access to a library, weight/fitness room, spiritual counseling, a pool and education...and free admission to in-house concerts by nationally recognized entertainment artists.
  • Simple clothing - i.e.., shoes, slippers, pj's - and legal aid would be free, upon request.
  • There would be private, secure rooms provided for all with an outdoor exercise yard complete with gardens.
  • Each senior would have a P.C., T.V.., phone and radio in their room at no cost.
  • They would receive daily phone calls.
  • There would be a board of directors to hear any complaints and the ACLU would fight for their rights and protection.
  • The guards would have a code of conduct to be strictly adhered to, with attorneys available, at no charge to protect the seniors and their families from abuse or neglect.

As for the criminals :

  • They would receive cold food.
  • They would be left alone and unsupervised.
  • They would receive showers once a week.
  • They would live in tiny rooms, for which they would have to pay $5,000 per month.
  • They would have no hope of ever getting out.
Sounds like justice to me!


Garden Gnome

Friday, February 25, 2011

My New Game Addiction

image courtesy of FrontierVille Info

Despite the fact I'm a computer junky, I'm really not into playing games much on the computer, PDA, online or through the boxes like Nintendo.  I can count on one hand the computerized games I like: Bejewelled, Bust-a-Move, and Super Mario.  Quite frankly I very seldom play them.   Since becoming active in Facebook I have discovered FrontierVille.  Oh my gosh!  I seriously love this game at the moment.  It helps that I'm still not mobile from my injury and while I should be using the time to blog, I really just feel like not thinking.

Garden Gnome

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Winter Wonderland

mute swan visits
Mute Swan Visit
February 21, 2011

The swans visit daily even during the winter months as long as there is a bit of open water.  I managed to get this photo the morning of our last large snowstorm so it was a winter wonderland!  Later that day the ice had filled in the open water so there was little more than enough for a few ducks.

Garden Gnome

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Hyena at Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida

hyena at Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida
Hyena at Busch Gardens
December 16, 2010

Garden Gnome

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm Active on Facebook

I've had a Facebook account for a couple of years now but have never used it.  I just didn't like all the privacy issues involved.  The other day I thought why not give it a try.  So I did.  I tweaked my account the way I wanted it.  Once I was comfortable with my settings I decided to connect with family, current friends and a few old friends.  Unlike Twitter, Facebook is considerably more personalized, or at least it is for me.   I'm looking forward to exploring yet one more form of social networking!

Garden Gnome

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Gnome Hubby Said Couldn't Come Home

solar gnome
Solar Gnome
January 21, 2011

We were doing a bit of shopping at Big Lots when I spotted this most amazing gnome just begging to join my Gnome Empire.  During the day this gnome has a rather Harry Potter look but come night time those babies light right up.  My husband said the gnome was a bit bizarre bordering on spooky while muttering something about gnomes in white coats.  Can you just imagine this little guy lit up at night?  Well I can and you know after fighting with rabbits in the garden perhaps this is just the gnome that should be invited to join the empire.  Maybe he will jump into my cart the next time we are at Big Lots.

Garden Gnome

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blog Your Blessings Sunday - A Close Call

Blog Your Blessings Sunday

Friday night we rode with friends to go to a community fish fry.  When I went to get into the truck afterwards the wind caught the door sending it slamming into my leg.  By the time we got back to their place it looked like I had a second knee over my tibia about 3 inches down from my actual knee.  I immediately started icing it.  As the swelling continued, I decided to go to the hospital for x-rays.  Despite the horrendous swelling there were no apparent breaks although the swelling may be hiding a hairline fracture so if the swelling doesn't decrease over a 72 hour period I have to go back.  I'm doing sitting with leg elevated and icing.  Thank goodness for the pair of crutches that are helping be get around when I have to.  With a bit of luck everything will heal nicely and I will back to my normal self shortly!

Garden Gnome

Saturday, February 19, 2011

More Dock Damage

dock damage by ice
More Dock Damage
February 12, 2011

The morning of January 12 was eventful to say the least.  I posted a picture of the damage done to our neighbour's boat lift and dock immediately to the south of us.  Pictured is the neighbour's dock next door to them, two doors down from us.  The force of the ice snapped the welds for the short end of the weld and either bent or moved the two outer supporting spiles.  About four doors down it looks like the ice may have damaged the bottom of their boat that was on the lift for winter storage.  Next to that dock, the next dock had most of the runway taken out.

My husband quickly checked our dock.  Ours is smaller so won't know if there was damage done or not until we can get underneath it in the spring.  Our immediate neighbours' docks for four houses to the north of us look to be unharmed.  Next to them there is more dock damage so it must have just been the way the ice was breaking and shifting. 

Garden Gnome

Friday, February 18, 2011

Boat Lift Destroyed by Ice

neighbour's dock damaged by ice
Boat Lift Destroyed By Ice
February 12, 2011

Last Saturday morning I awoke about 5 AM, way to early to be up given that we were hosting a larger get together that evening that would go well beyond midnight.  Anyway I heard a horrendous noise followed by more strange noises.  It was dark so I couldn't see anything and the house appeared to be fine.  I woke my husband to tell him something strange was happening outside.  He got up to check things out.  It was a loud, cracking, somewhat tinny mixed with a screeching noise.  We determined it was the ice breaking up that can make quite a bit of noise when it shifts and heaves.  Wrong!

While some of the noise was due to the ice giving way, mingled in was the sound of twisting and bending of cold metal through the sheer force of the ice.  Once daylight hit I looked out and oh my gosh!  The damage was horrid!  Damage along our stretch of the waterway was in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.  This has been our seventh winter living on the water we have never seen this amount of damage.

Pictured is our neighbour's destroyed boat lift to the south of us.  They just moved in the first of December last year so my heart goes out to them.  The ice ripped one of the supporting spiles of the L-shaped dock.  It literally ripped most of the boat lift from the short end of the L twisting it downwards into the water.  My husband figures that damage alone to this dock is somewhere around twenty thousand. 

Garden Gnome

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dusk at Pelican Island, Florida

Dusk at Pelican Island, Florida
December 24, 2010

Pelican Island in Florida is a must stop for nature lover young and old.  There are so many gorgeous photo opportunities that it is well worth the stop for photo buffs as well.  We will certainly be visiting this nature resort often.  I can't hardly wait to see the wildlife!

Garden Gnome

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - White Rhino at Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida

white rhino at Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida
White Rhino
December 16, 2010

Garden Gnome

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pelican Island, Florida

Pelican Island, Florida
Pelican Island
December 24, 2010

We made a day trip to Vero Beach, Florida during our recent vacation.  On the way back to our vacation home we stopped at Pelican Island.  Pelican Island is a National Wildlife Refuge.  This really is a gorgeous place to visit.  There are a few walking trails to enjoy, definitely a photo opportunity area.  It was rather on the cool side when we visited but we managed to get a few nice pictures of the setting sun.  Pelican Island is on our must visit spots on future visits to our vacation home.

Garden Gnome

Monday, February 14, 2011

White Tiger at Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida

white tiger at Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida
White Tiger
December 22, 2010

We have only seen tigers in captivity but they still very impressive creatures.  The tiger den at Busch Gardens in Tampa, Florida features a massive wrap-around view area.  There is a smaller viewing area that you can climb up were tigers are lounging.  This gorgeous white tiger was anxious to have his feelings heard.  He came up close to the viewing area a few times while letting out a loud roar.  Isn't he magnificant?

Garden Gnome

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blog Your Blessings Sunday - Natural Remedies

Blog Your Blessings Sunday

This has been a rather funny week spent somewhat under the weather but not all out sick.  'Tis the time of the year for sickness to be going around so I've been relying rather heavily on a few natural remedies.  I've brought out the steam inhaler, upped our Vitamin C and Zinc, been making a lot of green tea and ensuring we get that magical 64 oz of water daily.  In fact, a new thing we are trying is drinking 1 - L (about 32 oz) of water first thing in the morning to help clear toxins from the body before even having a cup of coffee.  The body is a miraculous thing that if given the proper nutrition will heal itself.  So meals have been healthy, homemade focused on high nutrition.  This plan of attack seems to have halted whatever I was coming down with without having to resort to OTC medications.  Natural remedies really are the way to go if at all possible! 

Garden Gnome

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sheikra at Busch Gardens, Tampa, Flordia

Sheikra at Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida
December 22, 2010

Some of my family members are into mind defying feats like you would not believe.  There are three of my loved ones in that cart on the Sheikra ride at Busch Gardens in Tampa Florida.  Now see, I am a keep my feet on the grounds type of person.  I long ago learned that even a merry-go-round could induce projective vomiting and any other ride from there just a gazillion times worse.  So here I am with my feet planted firmly on the ground taking pictures while waiting for them to get off that ride in one piece.  They loved the ride!  I on the other had was quite content to stay on the ground and worry about their safety.

Garden Gnome

Friday, February 11, 2011

Tortoise at Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida

tortoise at Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida
December 22, 2010

I can recall reading the story of the tortoise and the hare during my earlier childhood years.  Back then I understood that a tortoise was a type of turtle or so I thought when I was young when my only dealings with turtles was the one in the aquarium in my classroom and the dealings we had with the snapping turtle.  There is a difference even though both critters are in the Testudinidae family.  A turtle has a flatter, steamlined shell because it is a water dwelling Sauropsida.  Tortoises are turtles  in the Testudinidae family but in the Class Reptilia,  They have a higher, dome shaped shell because tortoises dwell on land.  Tortoises unlike turtles are not kept as pets.  They have a live span of 80 to 150 years, almost five times that of a turtle.  Suffice to say they are both slow moving critters hence the moral behind the tortoise and the hare

Pictured is one of the smaller tortoises at Busch Gardens in Tampa, Florida.  This was a rather small one compared to the size of some of the older ones.  No wonder they move so slow carrying that heavy house on their back!

Garden Gnome

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Giraffe at Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida

giraffe at Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida
Giraffe at Busch Gardens
December 22, 2010

Giraffes are one of my favourite critters.  I'm not sure why unless it was the influence of Jerome on the Friendly Giant.  Giraffes are simply amazing.  The look off balance and yet they are so tall and graceful.  Did you know each giraffe is unique in it's coat pattern as well?  'Tis true! 

Garden Gnome

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Grey Back Gorilla at Busch Gardens in Tampa, Florida

grey back gorilla
Grey Back Gorilla
December 22, 2010

Our first visit to Busch Gardens in Tampa, Flordia was on December 16, 2010 with our friend and his young daughter.  When our kids (ours & significant other) arrived we made it a point to take them to Busch Gardens as well.  I love that place!  Anyway we went to Busch Gardens with the kids and while I did take as many pictures as the first time, I won't bore you with all of them. 

This absolutely stunning grey back gorilla looked a bit perturbed with all the attention.  They say that they are very close to humans so it would be rather interesting to get his thoughts on the whole being on display issue.  It's quite clear that this poor being is not impressed with the attention!  He looks exactly how I feel when dealing with telemarketers, spammers and online trolls/stalkers ;)

Garden Gnome

Monday, February 07, 2011

At The Hockey Game

at the hockey game
At the Hockey Game
December 20, 2010

Contrary to my husband's beliefs I enjoy going to hockey games.  When I was young I virtually lived at the arena during the winter.  At that time there was public skating Saturdays and Sundays as well as during the week on some evenings but I was into my teens before my Mom would let be go to the evening skates.  I had to walk just a little over a mile to get to the arena unless one of my friends were going then I could get a ride with them.  My Mom never learned to drive so we didn't have a car until I started driving.  I love all the sights, sounds and smells of the arena!  It has a special, fresh smell from the ice that always triggers a lot of memories for me.   Then there was the arena canteen.  Oh my gosh, I loved the canteen!  When I was little it was pretty bare bones compared to what it is now in my home town but still it was there just outside the girls' dressing room that we used to put on our skates.  My favourite part was and still is hitting the ice just after the zamboni cleaning.  Years later I discovered the freedom of skating on rinks cleared from the river's surface.  My Mom would never let us skate on the river which is a pity because it is an amazing experience out on nature's surface.  When my husband's Mom passed away and mine passed away 7 days later on Christmas day the same year, we made Christmas magic for our family by putting building an ice rink in our backyard.  Many a night I was out on the ice, relaxing after a very long day of commuting and education while the kids were tucked safely in bed.  I'd skate and skate enjoying the cold air with stars twinkling overhead.  Now we have grandkids it might be time for Grandma and Papa to introduce them to the wonders of an outdoor ice rink!

Garden Gnome

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Blog Your Blessing Sunday - We Survived the Stormageddon 2011

Blog Your Blessings SundayEarly last week the weather predictions were for a huge snowstorm set to hit our area late Tuesday evening.  Tuesday morning cancellations had already started.  The snow began falling here in the early evening.  It was a fine snow but appeared to be accumulating.  My husband had decided to close the office on Wednesday so was a bit disappointed to see pavement on our driveway Wednesday morning.  Here our driveway had been plowed!  The road conditions were reported to be quite treacherous low visibility and large snow drifts due to the high winds.  We had received about 30 cm of fresh snow overnight so drifting was rather significant.  By lunchtime the wind had died down a bit so my husband decided to go into the office.  The roads were not as bad as expected although he experienced nastier roads on the way home.  The roads stayed nasty on Thursday and Friday with drifting snow.  Overall though we faired nicely during Stomageddon 2011.  Our utilities were fine, our driveway got plowed a couple of times and we enjoyed nice home cooked meals so all was well!

Garden Gnome

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Game Anticipation

arena at St. Pete Forum, Tampa, Florida
St. Pete Forum Arena Pre-Game Time
December 20, 2010

Our kids gifted us and one of their sibs with significant other that were visiting us at our vacation home with tickets to see a Tampa Bay Lightening vs Carolina Hurricanes hockey game.  I love the look of the hockey rink when it is freshly coated before game time while the arena is still fairly quiet.  It just evokes anticipation of what is to come!

Garden Gnome

Friday, February 04, 2011

Off to the Good Old Hockey Game!

St. Petes Times Forum, Tampa, Florida
St. Petes Times Forum
December 20, 2010

Our kids bought us along with their sib and significant other tickets to see the Tampa Bay Lighting and Carolina Hurricanes game.  Now my husband usually figures it is rather useless hauling me to a hockey game or any other sports game for that matter.  Apparently that is not the ideal time to re-organize your organizer or tweet or even people watch.  At any rate I managed to get to this game.  I bought the $6 popcorn then ate a couple of bites.  My $11 beer I bought did not taste all that great knowing I could have got the same size at happy hour for less that $2.  I did manage to get a lot of great pictures of my husband and the kids though.  My husband took some great shots as well.  He's a lot taller than I am so could hold the camera above the cheering crowd.  It was a wonder outing spent with family!  We had a blast!  Thanks so much to our other kids for this very generous gift :)

Garden Gnome

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Hippopotamus at Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida

Hippopotamus Swimming
December 16, 2010

The exhibits at Busch Gardens in Tampa, Florida are very impressive!  Several of them allow you to see what is going on both above on the water's surface as well as below in the water.  Pictured is a hippopotamus swimming below the water's surface.  I never understood why cartoons often depict hippos as ballerinas but now I know.  Hippos appear quite graceful moving along on their toes across the bottom.  It was an amazing sight!

Garden Gnome

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Wordless Wedneday - Looking Pretty!

Looking Pretty!
December 16, 2010

Garden Gnome

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

A Fancy Smoker at Bush Gardens, Tampa, Florida

A Fancy Smoker at Bush Gardens
December 16, 2010

Although it did not set out to be, the theme of our recent vacation to the sunny south quickly became 'Q' - BBQ that is.  We savoured the sweet yet robust flavours of some of the best smoked Q you have ever tasted.  Now I've been wanting a smoker for quite sometime.  Smoked meats have a characteristic red ring that you just can't get with any other cooking method.  The choice of wood, usually hardwood, determines the flavour.  The thing about Q is it is long and slow so not only is the meat flavourful it is moist and tender, melt in your mouth.  A smoker is on my list of must haves this year!

Garden Gnome