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Sunday, December 07, 2008

In a Funk

I've been in a funk for the past week or so. For me that is a good thing! I've come to realize that funks pass and behind them there is always renewed creativity. It is as if my mind is saying hey I need a break but trust me on this one. Not only is a funk itself a blessing for me recognizing what it represents is also a blessing. It forces me to slow down, do a bit more pondering and give my mind the break it needs. We can all use a mental break from time to time to get those creative juices flowing.

May you have a blessings filled week,

Garden Gnome


  1. May creativity be your blessing soon and abundantly in the new year!

  2. So true, so true. Funks are a good thing, and they pass and they teach us many good lessons.

  3. odd how that works..it seems age helps us figure these things out. :-)

  4. Thanks for the well wishes :)


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