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Monday, December 29, 2008

Random Act of Kindness

December 24, 2008

We were recently hit with a couple of storms that left a good amount of snow on the ground with no signs of quitting. Overnight on the 23rd we were hit with wet snow and freezing rain turning what snow we had on the ground into a shoveling nightmare. The laneway was filled the morning of the 24th so had his morning coffee then got dressed to start shoveling enough that we could get out. With more nasty weather predicted we had decided to leave early for the kids. He hollered "Honey, come see this!". Expecting the worse I rushed up the stairs to be greeted with this view. One of our neighbours had plowed out our laneway! What a wonderful and very much appreciated surprise! Thanks to this random act of kindness we were able to get on the road sooner than expected arriving at our destination while it was still daylight. What a lovely pay it forward.

Garden Gnome

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