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Friday, September 12, 2008

no it doesn't end

Oh Be Careful Little Feet
July 6, 2008

I was doing my daily EC (Entrecard) dropping this morning when I happened upon the blog of a single mother who's child is four years old. She questioned whether being a parent ever ended. Here's the comment I left on her blog:

As a parent of now grown children who are now having their own children I can safely state that no, it does not ever end! Once a mother and you are a mother for the rest of your life. Even when they are grown you are still parenting, leading by example, supporting and loving them. You worry about them, laugh with them and cry with them. You cheer them on and comfort them. It never ends and that's not such a bad thing :)

Parenthood doesn't come with an on and off switch or a manual. I firmly believe that parenting begins from the moment you get the news you are expecting and continues until the day you die. Being a parent defines one of the most importing roles you can have as a person. Parenthood gives you the opportunity to learn about yourself and see the world through the eyes of another. It becomes part of your very being. There is no end, only more growth and discovery along your pathway of life.

Garden Gnome


  1. How true! When your grown daughter is on her own, a thousand miles away, and a hurricane is headed her way--it feels as if she is two years old again and you want to wrap her up in a blanket and protect her.

  2. You've left her a beautiful comment. My children are older, my oldest is in college. While he is an adult I know that I often have to give him advice.

    My mother of 80 called me today to check on on me. It never ends.


  3. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Oh so beautifully said.

    I have a 19 year old daughter on her own and out of the house. An almost 18 year old son graduating high school early and going into the USMC and a 16 year old son... watching his brother and sister and desiring his adult time.

    I'm on the cusp of them going OUT of the home, but - as you perfectly said it, that's so not the end. Only a new beginning to a new type of parenting.

    And, I relish and enjoy every moment!

  4. That is really true. I have a 5 year old daughter but the moment I found out that I was expecting, I know I'm hook for life.


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