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Sunday, August 09, 2009

BYBS - The Kindness of Boaters

Blog Your Blessings Sunday
I have often mentioned how friendly boaters are and how they will help other boaters in trouble. Last week we spent an enjoyable evening on the water with friends. We we started the boat I notice a bit of an exhaust cloud so mentioned it to my husband. The boat ran well and we had a very enjoyable, uneventful trip. The following evening we decided to take the boat out to one of our favourite harbour spots. The boat started up and ran without incident to the harbour where we gassed up then docked for dinner. After a lovely dinner we headed for home. All of a sudden the boat quit! There was no warning, it just quit. Each attempt to start the boat showed a small amount of gas spewing into the water. While my husband called a fellow boating friend for a tow, I flashed over another boater just in case. With our friend on the way to tow us to our marina, the other boater left and we dropped anchor. The end result was a beautiful, moonlit ride back to the marina but thanks to the kindness of others we were safe and sound. What a great blessing!

Garden Gnome

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