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Monday, March 16, 2009

Dear Entrecard Members

Morning Smoke
March 14, 2009

I have been a member of Entrecard for quite some time. I have been a regular dropper and in return have visited many wonderful blogs. I have removed all five of my blogs from Entrecard after owner Graham Langdon wrote this regarding my request for an apology after an Entrecard moderator wrongly accused me of writing a paid post about LED lights.

yeah... you have such a problem with the staff, moderators, service and policies just pack your bags and see ya later. I won't have people like you disrupt peaceful and intelligent conversation geared at everyone gaining a deeper and clearer understanding of our new policies. We don't have the time to waste when so many good natured people are asking real questions and looking for clarifications... only to get muddled by the mud you're throwing around.

Someone kick this guy off the forums and out of Entrecard...

This is now a matter of principle. How the owner can say that to a member of the community is beyond me. I did not and have never made any paid posts on my blogspot (Blogger) blogs and I have no intention of ever doing so. This moderator was upset because I questioned two points in the announced changes. First, the rule the mandatory placement of the widget above the fold did not fit with my design so I questioned that. That rule has now been modified to within 1 page scroll. The second issue was regarding the paid ads they intend to run 50% of the time and if you didn't want those ads on your blog then you would have to pay to not have them be shown. The third issue also addressed is now they will be accepting paid ads and being able to cash in your credits every member realizes a tax liability so it is Entrecard's responsibility to have their members fill out all the necessary paperwork. They have taken this step but it would strongly be in their best interest to do so before they start running paid ads. I have taken Graham's advice and left.

I valued each and everyone who dropped on my blog. I will see many of you again and continue to read my favourites as well as comment. Thanks so much all your support.

Garden Gnome


  1. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Hey Gnome! I've not always agreed with everything you've written but you were very poorly treated. First by a moderator and then by the owner - a reaction which must have shocked even the most staunch EC fans. Good job I found your blog(s) before you left. take care x

  2. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Hi Gnome. I'm sorry to see the shameful way you've been treated. I guess you could've stayed if it was only the moderator (who's now left), but the message from Graham was disgraceful. sf

  3. Hi Pinball, thanks for commenting. I do hope you visit again. I always enjoy your blog because it is so different. There certainly aren't many blogs talking about pinball machines. Now I might be dating myself but we had some pretty good times in the pinball alleys!

  4. Hi Sandra, thanks for commenting. I'll likely do a bit of ranting today then tomorrow things will be back to normal. I'm not happy at all the time spent earning credits only to lose them but deleting my account was at my request. And it was the right decision for me. EC doesn't want or need my blogs and it would be very much against my principles to continue using their service after Graham's comment. They are taking their sweet time deleting my account. I'm not sure why because I'm not coming back.

  5. Anonymous4:54 PM


    I was hoping this would be resolved, but I guess Graham's comment was the final straw. :-(

    They seem pretty clueless about maintaining a happy community... RavingRevOxley seems fairly decent though.

    I'll still be dropping by every now and then :-)



  6. Hi John and thanks for commenting. It's one of those things I guess. I was ready to let the issue drop late this morning until they started spamming my email. Entrecard has officially been reported for spamming because of that one. I will miss the dropping as a quick way to say hey, I stopped by but I've gained a lot of valuable time that can be used for other purposes. I will continue to visit my favourite EC blogs and comment when I have something worthy to say. So I will definitely be stopping by your blog.

    Take care :)

  7. I’m fairly new to Entrecard, and I was weighing whether the time was even worth it, but now my decision is made for me! Gnome, your last comment to Beth was quite noble. In my opinion, she should have simply apologized for her mistake and that would have been that.
    Of course the behavior of the admins and owner especially are disappointing to say the least. I might even say shocking. I’m betting most of the Entrecard’s bloggers will ditch them on principle just for Graham’s nasty comment. A supremely stupid (not to mention incorrect and rude) thing to say.

  8. Anonymous9:23 PM

    I have heard about his comment in the forums (as well as read the thread), and was rather disgusted by it. I'm now sure what he is thinking sometimes. I don't know any founder/owner of a company that uses such tone.

  9. Hi There!
    Glad to see you stop by! Sorry what happened and it won't be the same not seeing your blogs on Entrecard just as I miss a lot other that used to be around. I did see the mess on the forums and it was sickening to see how just how rude, childish, disgusting and piss poor management the way Graham asked to you. He's going to have to lose this "My way or the highway" attitude if he's going to keep Entrecard going. That stay or leave crap like he don't care about us users will get around the internet quick and nobody will be wanting to join Entrecard. After all, to stay in business, he needs bloggers, we don't have to need him!

    Take care and stop by anytime! :-))
    On The Bricks

  10. two words Good Gravy!

    Graham needs a swift boot somewhere!

  11. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Oh my gosh! Well now I know why! If you have a button, I'll happily add you to my friends scroll box on my page, just email it to julie at coolmomguide dot com!

  12. Hi Wren, thank-you. There never has been an apology of any kind from anyone and if there had I definitely would not have got myself in such and uproar. His comment and continued comments confirms I made the right decision to leave. This hasn't been the first or last time Graham has driven bloggers away by his comments. The last round happened last Dec. He calmed down for awhile but is now back in full glory as far as rudeness goes. It cost me a bunch of credits (aka my time) but it was the right decision.

    Now I'm upset again because I asked them to remove all of my blogs but they only removed one so I'm still getting advert requests for the other blogs. I think they are leaving them in the system to inflate the number of ads actually in the system.

  13. Paul, as a former owner of a small business and one that continues to grow under the leadership of my husband, I would not dream of ever talking to a customer like that. Believe me you do feel like telling a problem one where to go sometimes but you can't. You have to remain polite and civil.

    The problem with respect to entrecard is I was not a problem customer. I was a top dropper with one of my blogs usually 2nd or 3rd popular in my category and the rest doing quite well. I participated in the forums and did help others. None of that mattered as soon as I asked for an apology for something I was accused of but did not do. Graham simply does not handle that type of thing well.

  14. Hi Chilly! I visit both yours and Wanda's blogs daily so I'm glad to see I'm still welcomed to visit :)

  15. Kathy, I'm doing a bit of booting but with the newest grandbaby coming soon I will be heading down there. No bad vibes are allowed to follow :)

  16. Sorry you were treated that way Garden Gnome. It was completely uncalled for but not unexpected. I recently had similar responses from Graham himself on issues related to the changed going on there. It is appalling to think that Entrecard feels they can take control of member blogs as if they were their assets to sell advertising from for their own profits. Not only that but tell members where to place their widgets to ensure Entrecard can drive up advertising rates to the outside businesses. I have left also.

  17. Anonymous3:41 AM

    OMG how you were treated is so inappropriate! Why do people in charge always feel the need to screw up good things??!!

  18. Anonymous3:07 PM

    yeah EC's management and owner both are bad !!!

  19. Thanx so much for this info. I guess I wouldn't like to be treated the way you were treated so I'd rather not join.Do you know any other one that is equally good or even better?

  20. That is just horrible. Sorry he spoke to you that way. A business owner really should know better.

  21. Hi..tq for pointing me to this article. i'm sooo new to this thing ( entrecard, blogging, others social media websites ) and dunno much about it. i've seen so many blogs display the entrecard widget, so that i intend to do so.

    Just wanna find some cool blogs to read and build a relationship with them, i really don't care about the significant traffic they promise ( read it somewhere )

    Tq again for letting my mind open,

    Radith / @takupol

  22. I don't blame you I would have left too as soon as I hear such rudeness from the owner himself. Obviously he feels he can afford to lose clients.

    I have not been an avid EC dropper but I have enjoyed discovering new blogs through the widget. I'm not sure now if that makes it worth having the widget with all the paid ads cycling through it.

    My main concern is that they made it sound like you had control over which ads show up on your widget. I noticed today that you don't. I noticed paid ads showing up that I hadn't approved. I sent a ticket in and left a note in the forum (my first). I'm waiting to see what comes of it.


I appreciate your comment. It will appear when approved.