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Saturday, February 20, 2010


February 11, 2010

I have been very worried this winter over the lack of snowfall in our area this year. We basically had very little snowfall up until February to the point my husband had only used the snow shovel once and that was more as a broom to clear the walkway rather than as an actual shovel. Farmers in our area need snow accumulation for field conditions in the spring. The area waterways depend on spring run off for their levels which is directly affected by the winter snow fall. As boaters we are well aware of the implications of lower water levels.

I was so excited to see a storm go through. Other than the kids that might have had the day off school and those wanting to use their snowmobiles I was likely the only adult cheering on the snow. We ended up with almost a foot of snow over a 2 day period so unfortunately my husband didn't close the office. Surprisingly the roads throughout the snow storm seemed to be pretty good. There were a few fender benders and a couple of jack-knifed trucks but that usually happens when folks refuse to slow down for winter road conditions.

Garden Gnome

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