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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Mini Iceberg

Our Iceburg

From the house our mini iceberg was impressive. It almost looked like there was a polar bear on it. It's gone now since the water is moving again. Such a beautiful spot and so many problems...

I'm in a very pissy mood today and something you will seldom see on this or any of my blogs. My neighbours have been at it yet again! We live beside a 7 unit scums-are-us unit where one tenant dictates to the owner what he can and can't do. The owner is scared of this tenant or believing his lies so I've decided after almost four years of dealing with this bs, I'm taking matters into my own hands. Yesterday I put up several several posters in response to their f%^&$#@ orange line marking the property line. Do you know how many people have actually stopped to look at that dang line! Yep, it is the talk of the whole village and she who put it there doesn't want to take responsibility or pretends it doesn't exist while we take the dang fallout. So yesterday after a nice conversation with a passerby and hearing that she who put it there was sluffing it off saying she didn't know who did it even though we have pictures to prove she did it, I decided on the posters. Then I called a nice place that has those portable signs. Guess what is going to be in place by mid afternoon? I'm tired of dealing with this bitch and guess what her rights end at my property line. Period! But I'm not done with her yet. That sign will be lit for at least one month, on our property and not a dang thing she can do about it. Second, I am just in the right mood to set up a new blog not using my blogger ID and hosted elsewhere about these f$%#@(*^ neighbours, complete with pictures. They seem to thing they have all the dang rights while we have to just take it up the arse? I don't think so. And if I think I can get media coverage out of this I will. They put that line down to embarrass us now it is time for them to see what embarrassment is all about!

End of rant and sorry to my readers who have never seen this side of me and like won't again. Sometimes in life you have to make a stand and this time I'm making one!

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