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Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Finer Side of Allergiies

The real estate agent called yesterday wanting to show the house today. No problem except I don't think I've had much sleep in the last 96 hours. The reason being is allergies. People talk of the allergy season starting. Mine is year round but does get worse this time of year. So I'm doing the allergy twist aka not sleeping more than 20 minutes at a time. The allergy twist goes like this. One nostril gets totally plugged which signals your body to turn over allowing that nostril to clear but filling the other. Repeat as needed. This goes on all night or until you can't stand it anymore so you get up well before your normally would. Then another thing happens. Both nostrils clear then all heck breaks out. It is instant drip city! I mean running, drip I need a tissue right this minute drip! Now why couldn't it drip when I want to sleep? But that is not enough. The sneezes start and go on and on and on. I think my record is a sneezing spell of 14 and yes I did count them. I have boxes of kleenex in every room, three in our bedroom and even have them in the staircase. The decor du jour is kleenex boxes. I'm beyond worrying about whether they match the rooms. If there is kleenex in the box, there won't be for long! My nose is a bright red, my eyes constantly watering and hot dang, I look pretty good for this time of year considering I don't wear make-up. I've got the bestest ever allergy shiners you have ever seen! Eye Shadows R Us should market this look!

Oh and just to complicate things, the hot flashes are a real treat. That gives a nice blush and glistening glow to my face providing you can get within viewing distance. Yep, allergy shiners mixed with that flushed glow of hot flashes..I am seriously looking my best right now. Oh I don't know maybe just a touch of flu or something like pneumonia and I might have a bit of highlights. But wait a minute, I forgot to mention the bloating. I must admit I do love the puffy look. It makes me look a lot bigger than I actually am. I suddenly have these things that look like muscles but I'm pretty sure that's just an illusion. We won't even go into the mood swings despite HRT. Hopefully my doctor is reading this one!

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