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Saturday, August 07, 2010

A Change of Pace

I'm a serious foodie and my husband well gosh he is right up there when it comes to being a foodie.  We eat good on a daily basis.  Actually we eat a lot better than most on a daily basis - good, old fashioned, home cooke, and preservative free foods.  I can a copious amount of food each year so we don't have to rely on commercially canned, preservative laden foods.  Given our food choices and diet the whole concept of dieting to lose weight is rather foreign. 

I seriously have never watched my weight and definitely do not fit into the calorie counting crowd!  I eat what I want, when I want.  The thing is by nature I am not a big eater and actually border on under eating side even though I am a foodie.  Making sure I get enough eat enough in a day is more of a concern.  At any rate I figure as long as I am eating healthy foods free of pesticides, preservatives and other nasties I'm doing a good thing.  I'm doing a bit of a change of pace adding in a few extra anti-oxidants and eating a bit more plain yogurt with active bacteria to help with my internal flora.  Oh and I'm experimenting with apple cider vinegar (ACV) that seems to be going well. 

What the heck!  At my age I have to try a few anti-aging tactics don't I and from my perspective it all starts with what I put in my body to begin with.  So I'm being a bit more conscious to make sure I get my 8 c of water daily and for the most part I've given up on on the three vices of AAC (alcohol, aspirin, caffeine) and never was a fan of candy or carbonated drinks.  Well, I'm still battling with the caffeine but have it restricted for most days to 1 cup of coffee/cappuccino or green tea in the morning.  I'm not a fan of chocolate especially milk chocolate but I'm finding dark chocolate in very small amounts to be tolerable while giving me a health benefit.  So I'm having a bit of change in pace, hopefully for the good :)

Garden Gnome

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