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Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Woody From Toy Story Topiary
One of our granchildren absolutely loves Woody from Toy Story. I was excited to get a picture of this wonderful Woody topiary at Epcot in Walt Disney World, Orlando. I could not wait to get back to our vacation home to upload the pictures from my camera to send the little one a special message from Grandma and Papa. Disney World does such a lovey job on the toparieies. I absolutely love them as well as appreciate the multitude of hours that it takes to create and maintain these toparies. The are simply gorgeious!
Garden Gnome
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida
A couple of our kids and spouses are huge Disney fans. We were blessed with one of the couples visiting us during our recent spring vacation. They spent a few days with us which was really nice as we don't get a chance to see them as often as we would like. They live the furthest from us at about a ten hour drive from us. Weather conditions October through March makes driving rather touch and go. We had seen them on the tail end of our winter vacation the first week of January. We were so excited to see them again in May!
This couple is about the biggest Disney World fans you have ever met. They visit Disney World a couple of times a year. They know how to get all the discounts and the best attractions to visit. They know where the best places to eat. We spent an entire day at Epcot at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. It was wonderful event filled day! My gosh we had such a good time! We can't wait to do it again. Over the next few days I will be sharing some of the pictures from that great day.
Garden Gnome
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Centennial Windows is the Biggsest Skuzzy Telemarketers There Is
I hate, absolutely detest telemarketers. Our phone number is on Canada's Do Not Call List (that's a flipping joke) and we have call block. Despite numerous phone calls from Centennial Window (1-1-519-963-0831) both before and AFTER signing up for the DNC List we continue to get calls so today when I got yet another other one, I used *67 and called them back. The stupid and I do mean stupid telemarketer on the other end seemed to think I would be foolish enough to give them our phone number so they could check to see if they were calling us. Hello! You just called me and I called you back. I don't make a habit of calling telemarketers for something to do!
So I did not give them my phone number but I did head over to the CRTC to file a complaint. They are so annoying that there is no way I would ever consider buying windows from them anyway. They are truly pathetic bottom feeders! I would never, ever do business with Centennial Windows given their shoddy business practices. I will be so glad that this phone number will cease to exist as soon as we move and that time is moving closer as I type. Oh I know at some point they may find our new phone number then I will have to fight back once again simply because they are bottom feeder telemarketers. Absolutely disgusting!
Garden Gnome
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Talking Heads
Imagine my surprise when I turned on the talking heads today to not hear one mention of Casey Anthony. I started watching the coverage of her trial back during our spring vacation in May. I watched it daily. It was a very sad case in which Casey was accused of murdering her little toddler Caylee and yet there was only scant circumstantial evidence, tampered evidence and lies in a trial that could cost Casey her life. She was facing the death penalty. I had ample opportunity to observe the talking heads. My gosh they can be quite horrid at best. The funny thing is they are condemning anyone of making money off of Caylee's death yet that is exactly what they are doing while inciting hartred and character assination. It was nice not to hear them speculate 'where's Casey' which has been their focus ever since Casey was acquitted and released from prison.
Anyway, back to the talking heads. What a horrible way to make a living off of the blood money others. I've notice the following characteristics about all of them and it really does not deviate much:
- exaggerated facial expressions - Talking heads verbalize through their teeth while exaggerating their lip shapes as much as possible. If they They feign this fake serious look most of the time but every once in awhile open their eyes huge to express shock. Then they suck in their breath to the point their head almost disappears! But I don't know where they get the air as they talk so fast they don't take time to breath which perhaps explains their pasty, bluish complexions.
- voice tone - Talking heads use almost a monotone voice except when they are trying to stress something then they raise the volume several decibels.
- self-centred - Talking heads are seriously about the most self-centred people I've seen. They get extremely upset and derragatory if anyone disagrees with their viewpoint whether it be a guest on their show or another team member. And they have no problem shooting a derragatory comment at anyone who disagrees then abruptly cutting the dissenter's air time so they cannot respond.
- failure to listen - This one really boggles my mind but talking heads do not want to listen to anyone else including their fellow talking heads. In fact if a talking head has other talking heads on as part of their panel the gackle is worse then Babalon! The main talking head as the other talking heads try to keep up so the gackle of competetion esculates. It ends up being a huge shouting match with the viewer left shaking their head just trying to understand what just happened as their stress level raises higher than if they were in an actual confrontation themselves.
- attack mode - The talking heads are always in attack mode. They don't really care who they attack whether it be the person they are reporting about or a colleague. They are in constant attack mode to the point the viewer expects them to keel over with a massive coronary attack!
- who needs facts - There is a saying in our home town that if you haven't heard a rumour by lunchtime you need to start one. That saying is so true when it comes to the talking heads. Honestly, they make-up the facts as they go then make-up facts about those made-up facts. They bring a whole new meaning to speculation and rumour starting.
Garden Gnome
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Blog Your Blessings Sunday - A Bit of Chaos
The past week was a bit odd in that my husband was away on the boat for three days so I had the house to myself. In the wee hours of Monday morning before he left I awoke in a fair amount of pain. So my great plans for doing what I wanted (even though I usually do) turned into staying indoors, working on pain control and listening to the talking heads. Oh and I prepped the house for showings that was a bit more difficult because of the pain but I managed. Then I got the call on the last day of the boat cruise that the boat broke down but they managed to limp it to safety. The good thing and most important thing is the guys were safe and sound. Boats can be replaced, they cannot. The following day we had two more house showings. My husband was sunburned and tired, I was still in pain so it wasn't the best day. The house was supposed to be shown on Friday but that was cancelled. I can't say I was disappointed but you can't sell if you don't show it. I had not been out of the house all week which really is not abnormal for me. I decided to go pick up a few groceries while my husband was golfing. We kew the kids, grandkids and grandpuppy were coming for lunch on Sunday. I came home with my goodies then set to work making sub buns. My husband was home by then and the storms rolled through knocking out our power just as the oven was heating to bake the buns. That was easily solved. The PVR on the other hand kept giving an error message that it was too cold so would turn on when the temperature reached 32ºF. Umm, I think the PVR has an attitude since the indoor temperature was a balmy 74ºF with an outdoor temperature of 92ºF. There is no way it could have a temperature issue over being too cold! The buns were out of the oven but the internet and PVR were still being quite fickle. I can't wait to get moved to where we don't have to deal with satellite services! Anyway, we decided to just call it a night. It had been a long, tiring week. Yet today was a wonderful end to last week and beautiful start for the coming week!
Garden Gnome
Friday, July 22, 2011
It is All About Me!
A couple of years ago I was bashed, and I do mean bashed for not using my real name as author of my blogs. Using a pseudonym has long been acceptable in the literary field and that has been widely acceptable in the blogsphere. The bottom line is whether anyone else agrees with it or not, those who are important to me knows my online nym and my real identity. I refuse to be bullied and that is exactly what it was with my online stalker trying to bully me into disclosing my real name. Then the issue became that I don't talk enough about my online stalker, I don't disclose enough about myself and guess what I apparently don't make my online stalker the centre of my universe.
My blogs are about me, all about me! They are a reflection of how I see the world, my experiences and me sharing what I know. I, as author of my blogs, allow the reader to see one very, very narrow aspect of me. What I choose to share with my readers is entirely up to me and always has been. I will not be bullied or dictated to. I resent the judgemental attitude, telling me how I present my own intellectual property is wrong. The bottom line is under the Canadian Constitution I have every right to present my intellectual property any way I see fit. So my blogs are all about me but if you really want to know me, don't rely just on my blogs. You need to develop a personal relationship, one of which I will accept enough to let you get close enough that I will even talk to you, And let me tell you I do not and never have warmed up to people. At this stage in my life, if you aren't in my inner circle of friends and family the chances of you getting into my inner circle is pretty much nil. I'm just saying.
Garden Gnome
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The Nancy Grace Fall-out
Oh my gosh, I had the perfect post for today ending up my commentaries on the Casey Anthony trial. The bottom line is there wasn't even enough circumstantial evidence to convict Casey who was facing the death penalty if found guilty. I've watched coverage of this from almost day 1 and watched all of the trial coverage including seeing the laughing guy Jeff Ashton. There was nothing in the evidence that would convince me this young mother deserved the death penalty. Complicating matters was the mouths of the talking heads, specifically Nancy Grace of HLN, a subsiduary of CNN. She has been extremely vile always saying it is her First Ammendment Right.
Excuse me but I do know a bit about the US being there on a regular basis and owning property there. The First Ammendment does not give you the right to commit character assination, lible another person or instigate hatred. I'm sorry but Nancy Grace did all of these so I do hope Casey's attoneys sue Nancy Grace as well as HLN and CNN. [Oh and Nancy if you are reading this, you are seriously a nasty piece of work! You talk about others making money off of Casey Anthony and yet that is exactly what you are doing. For shame!] Now what is very interesting is the lawyers for Doctor Conrad Murrya, the doctor going on trial for the death of Michael Jackson specifically indicated their concern over Nancy Grace's vile behaviour with respect to the Casey Anthony trial. So her comments are now wasting the court's time? Hmm, can't she be charged with that? They want the jourey sequestered immediately and when you are talking
the Michael Jackson trial that is going to be a lot longer than the
time the jurers for the Casey Anthony trial were sequestered. They
don't feel they can get a free trial based partly on the vile comments
of Nancy Grace. Now that's a shame because it is going to cost the state of Florida more money and guess what they just wasted a bundle using Jeff Ashton aka the laughing guy. Perhaps Nancy Grace's ultimate adgenda is making the state of Florida a laughing stock and they are thanks to the ilk of Nancy Gracy they certainly are looking like a laughing stock!
So Nancy Grace in all her vileness exercised her First Ammendment Rights under the guise of being a journalist. Let me tell you she is not now or ever has been a journalist. Journalism may have been an excuse to exagerate, speculate, stetch the truth or blatant lie but there is no doubt that not once has she told the truth with respect to Casey Anthoney. I do think that one aspect of the ethics of journalism is reporting the truth. What ever happened to reporting the truth? Nancy Grace has failed that every step of the way! My opinion is she is a true disgrace to journalism, HLN and CNN. She should be held accountable for the vile hatred she had managed to spread and Now if I were a talking head which I'm not I would question her mental stability. Maybe I should speculate about her motives or where she was and why she would be saying the things she is that could put her family at risk. Perhaps we could question whether she needs psychaiatric help or if she is off her meds. Honestly this talking head is causing way more problems she is worth to the networks, if you ask me. Yet she contnues to make money off of Casey Anthony. Afterall, that's what talking heads do. They make money spewing off nonsense all in the name of being a journalist exercising their First Ammendment Rights. I say BS!
Garden Gnome
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Judge Belvin Perry in the Casey Anthony Tria
Judge Belvin Perry was the judge in the Casey Anthony trial. Honestly my impression of him is he was so full of himself it really was pathetic. He came across as a minority with power that he was simply going to swing around because he could. He was so concerned over keeping the trial on schedule that he did hinder both the defense and prosecution. There is money pinching and being frugal but when it comes to life or death decisions a day or two extra to allow the jury to go through all the evidence should have been allowed. I really did not like Judge Perry. He charged one with 2 days in jail for making an inappropriate comment and a 28 year old 6 days for making a gesture in court and yet allowed the prosecution lawyer Jeff Ashton to grin, smirk and downright laugh in court over and over and over. He was, in my opinion a total disgrace to the bench. Ashton should have be at the very least been held in contempt of court given his behaviour. Now what Perry glossed over is I think if the defense wanted to press it they could easily get a mistrial because Perry wanted to keep court costs down. The penalty facing Casey Anthony was death. He in good conscious could say hey I kept the court costs down? What is with that? I did hear he is supposed to be penning a book over this trial. So he can make money, keep court costs down with a young woman facing death if found guilty? He had his moment of fame, his 15 minutes in the limelight but he isn't worth wasting any time on by buying whatever book he writes. He was in this trial for one thing only and that was to make money from it, not for justice. What a sham!
Garden Gnome
Monday, July 18, 2011
Casey Marie Anthony Free
Casey Marie Anthony, the young mother on trial for the murder of her toddler is officially a free woman. I've been following this trial since Day 1 when we were at our vacation home in Florida, not far from where the trial was held. In this case and I honestly do not think Casey killed little Caylee, justice was served. There was no real justice for Caylee though. I doubt the cause of death or what actually happened to that poor little one will ever be disclosed. The whole family and that came up over and over during the trial lives on lies. I really do think that Casey is a victim of her family. She was the obvious scapgoat which ended up costing her 3 years in jail from charges brought against her by complaints from her very own mother. No wonder she refused to see her mother in jail! Think about it. Her mother did not protect her from being sexually abused by her father and brother THEN betrayed her again by having her charged for cheque fraud. So Cindy Marie Anthony, Casey's mom is not the little Miss Innocent Goodie Two Shoes the talking heads portrait her to be. What is very interesting is the jury actually believed that George Anthony, Casey's dad was the one responsible for Caylee's death. Any normal parent or grandparent faced with a drowned child would call 911 and with him being a retired police detective, that should have been his first response yet he didn't call 911. Then he lied about his affair losing all credibility with the jury and quite frankly with the public. I really do believe that George Anthony is the person responsible for little Caylee's death.
I for one am glad to see Casey a free woman. I hope that her attorneys go full barrels against the talking heads, especially Nancy Grace. Of all the talking heads Nancy Grace has been particularly nasty but Jane Valez-Mitchell has been running a close second as to the derrogatory comments. More importantly I hope her attorneys take it a step further by suing HLN, the news station of the talking heads. And I hope the young store clerk that was attacked because she looks a bit like Casey sues the talking heads and HLN a subsiduary of CNN for their actions in promoting hatred. I hope that Casey's attornies sue CNN for allowing HLN to spew forth such hatred. There is freedom of the press but these talking heads are beyond guilty of character assination and promoting hatred. I hope that Casey's attorneys go after that horrid Facebook site promoting hatred against Casey putting her life in jeopardy. Facebook itself should remove the site which is really against the TOS anyway. What the talking heads and HLN does not seem to understand is they are directly responsible for promoting this hatred EVEN though Casey was found not guilty of murder, aggravated child abuse or aggravated manslaughter. She's not guilty! Leave her alone. Respect the jury's decision and leave her alone. She has lost everything - her child, her family, her freedom, her peace of mind, her personal right to safety - EVERYTHING! And yet the talking heads circling like vulchers looking for a feeding frenzy wanted the death sentence. FOR SHAME!
Garden Gnome
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Blog Your Blessing Sunday - Family & Friends
Wow, what an absolutely wonderful week spent with family and friends! We had a chance to visit with all three grandkids and their parents this past week. Our grandkids are the sweetest blessings ever. I thought being blessed with kids was amazing, watching them grow to become the wonderful adults they are even more amazing but oh my gosh grandkids are the icing on the cake!
And then there's our friends. They are some of best folks you could ever meet. They would not hesitate to give you the shirt of their back. They are always there for us, never wavering in good times and even stronger in bad times. Believe me we are so blessed to have such true friends that are always there, that we can rely on anytime and you know are just wonderful people about as close to family as you can get!
It was a wonderful week!
Garden Gnome
Saturday, July 16, 2011
A Few Thoughts on My Hair
Ok, you think it is a funny topic but ever since my husband had his head shaved for cancer I've been thinking about my hair. It is waist long, virgin hair that is gracely aging aka getting very close to salt & pepper. It is treated with nothing more that shampoo and condition and I went to a No-poo cleansing system using cider vinegar and baking soda that I use a couple of times a month in addition to shampoo and conditioner. I wear my hair long and straight most days or a semi-pony tail secured with a clip. Occasionally in the summer I use a silicone product like Citri Shine but that's about it. Long hair need not be high maintenance either. I wash it, blow dry then style (eg. flat iron, curing iron) and believe me styling is not something I am all that interested. I really can't be bothered. As long as it is clean and looks half decent, I'm happy. I know I should not blow dry my hair but trust me it is the only way to get this amount of hair dried during the winter months and I do give it a break in the summer letting the sun dry it naturally. I have twisted it into a bun during the summer months after a day spent on the boat and honestly it will still be wet two days later! I don't think I could ever go with a short hairdo though. I've always had long hair with the exception of one defiant period where I cut it short to spite my Mom but that didn't last long.
Garden Gnome
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
In the Aftermath of the Casey Anthony Trial
Cheney Mason, one of the members had a lot of negative things to say about the media leading up to and during the Casey Anthony trial. I honestly cannot help but agree with him. My husband refers to these media vultures as talking heads. The thing is the talking heads extrapolate, speculate and downright sensationalize without knowing the whole story. And while they are condemning some of trying to make money off of the death of little Caylee Anthony, they are doing the exact same thing. They have been making money off this case ever since Caylee's disappearance and have been making money doing nothing more than character accination leading up to and during the trial. So those like Nancy Grace who I find particarly nauseating that are claiming they are seeking justice for Caylee have blood money on their hands. All of a sudden Casey's boyfriend and former friends are coming forward. Do you think they are doing these interviews without being paid some type of compensation? And then there were the so called protestors at the courthouse. Now that really is a joke as the real thing they were really interested in was getting their 15 minutes of fame on television. Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murder, aggravated child abuse and aggravated manslaughter. She will be released into the community on July 17, one week from today. In the meantime the talking heads will continue to make money off of the death of little Caylee Marie Anthony. And the talking head can sleep tight at night then look at themselves in the mirror the next morning knowing they have blood money on their hands and no amount of washing ever gets rid of blood money!
Garden Gnome
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Blog Your Blessings Sunday - A Wonderful Summer Week
It is almost human nature to complain about the weather. Everyone can relate, it is a safe conversational topic, and no one can do anything about it. This past week it would have been difficult to find any complaints with the weather. It was gorgeous, perhaps a bit too hot for some and too humid for others, but gorgeous no the less. We had the boat out a couple of times and went to a belated Canada Day celebration complete with a pig roast and a fireworks display that would out rival many community fireworks hosted by my husband's aunt and uncle. They have a beautiful 25 acre farm with a large manmade pond. A picture of the pond is the background for my gardening blog. It was a beautiful warm summer day with an amazingly blue sky dotted with big fluffy white clouds and yet the night brought cooler air perfect for watching the fireworks display. It was the perfect ending to the perfect summer week!
Garden Gnome
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Community Fireworks
As newlyweds we decided that buying fireworks for a personal display was not a frugal use of our funds. I can recall only once where we gave into the pleas of our kids to by a few fireworks and a couple of occasions of buying sparklers. Many communities have a fireworks display for July 1, Canada Day. We seldom attend though. I guess it is something we never got into and living in smaller communities it is easy to see any fireworks anyway. This past Canada Day we attended the community fireworks display. A large group of us gathered on the lawn of one of our friends where we had a wonderful view of the fireworks. It was a very pleasant way to spend the evening!
Garden Gnome
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Casey Anthony Sentencing Hearing
Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murder, not guilty of aggravated child abuse and not guilty of aggravated manslaughter but guilty on four counts of lying to a police officer on Tuesday. Today Judge Perry sentenced her to 1 year for each count for a maximum of four years less time served as well as $1,000 fine per count ($4,000). She was credited with 1,043 days served giving a release date of July 13, 2011. At that time she will be released into the community. While she will have her freedom, she still faces a multitude of legal problems. The state is suing for costs. The search party is seeking compensation from Casey and her parents. A deposition was served on Casey last night by the attorney for a woman who's name is Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez the name used by Casey for "Zanny the Nanny" for damages she has suffered as a result of Casey's lies. Casey's parents have received death threats and Casey's defense team is very concerned about her safety once released. There is talk that Cindy Anthony (Casey's mom) may be charged with purgery. Cindy and George's (Casey's parents) neighbours are hoping they make enough money from telling their story so they can move out of the neighbourhood. So the story doesn't end with Casey's release from prison next Wednesday.
Quite frankly, I feel justice was served in this case. The prosecution failed to prove that Casey actually committed any crime other than lying to a police officer. Without that proof, the jury had no choice but to find her not guilty of murder, aggravated child abuse or aggravated manslaughter. They followed the law in that respect. Prosecutor Jeffery Ashton discredited himself throughout the trial by smirking (opening statements and during trial) to coming close to openly laughing during Jose Baez's closing statements. What I found interesting is Judge Perry gave one lady two days in jail for making a comment in court, and 28 year old Mathew Barlett six days in court along with a $400 fine plus $263 in court costs for flipping the bird at Jeff Ashton. Yet he did nothing about the shameful behaviour of Jeff Ashton other than threaten sanctions. I think Jeff Ashton thought this was a slam dunk case so got just a bit too cocky. In that respect the solid win by the defense team is a bit sweeter. Jeff Ashton announced his retirement the same day as the not guilty verdict.
The sad thing in all of this is a little child, Caylee is dead. If the Anthony family knows anything about it they will never talk now. Even if it was discovered that Casey did kill her daughter which I believe she did not, she cannot be charged again. It is doubtful that the cause of death of little Caylee will ever be found. Yet many lives were affected and continue to be affected by this little angel.
Garden Gnome
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Verdict Reached in Casey Anthony Trial
After a little over ten hours of deliberation, the jury found Casey Anthony not guilty of First Degree Murder, not guilty of Aggravated Manslaughter, and not guilty of Aggravated Child Abuse. They found her guilty of lying to a police officer. The sentencing will be on Thursday but with time served, with any luck she will be a free woman then.
The media is having a feeding frenzie on this one They are still condemning Casey even though she has been acquitted but they they had her guilty and on death row well before the trial. Now Jose Biaz hinted that they would be seeing some of the members of the press shortly. I would think after some of the things said by HLN journalists that some will be held accountable for the liabliss statements made against Casy. I honestly hope they particularly hit Nancy Grace hard for her vile and vicious tounge. She honestly is a nasty piece of jounalism, a definite shame to her profession!
The media is so hyped up they are even discussing where Casey will live if released on Thursday. According to Nancy Green and her narrow minded cronies, Casey has no choice but to move back in with her parents. Now I don't know what the heck they have been sniffing but Casey has a lot of options where to live if released and I certainly doubt whe will move in with her parents of whom she accused her father of molesting her since age eight. Some of these sensationalist journalists need to consider that there are safe houses, support systems and government assistence available to Casey. Oh but that would take a bit away from the sensationalism, wouldn't it?
The sad reality is a little girl, Caylee Marie Anthony is dead. Her mother, Casey Marie Anthony will now be allowed to grieve but her life will never be the same. A disfunctional family has literally been destroyed not only via the trial but by the assination by the media. Their neighbours are hoping they make a lot of money from telling their story so they can move away and life get back to normal in the neighbourhood. And in the end, Caylee Marie Anthony is dead...
Garden Gnome
Monday, July 04, 2011
Case Against Casey Anthony Goes to the Jury
Judge Perry gave instructions to the jury and they are now in deliberation. Now it is a waiting game for the verdict. Looking at it from the outside, there really is no evidence that Casey Anthony harmed her daughter Caylee in any manner. In fact she was quoted to be a very good mother. There's no DNA evidence on the duct tape, something that would be expected if the duct tape had actually been on Caylee. There is no evidence that Casey beyond a shadow of a doubt did the searches on chloroform. Four people had access to that computer so it really could have been any of them that did those searches. There is no evidence little Caylee's body was ever in the car. There is evidence that the car did not smell and in fact the idea that the smell was so bad seems to be one planted by Casey's father George. The only thing the evidence showed is that Casey did in fact lie to law officials.
There is no doubt in my mind that Casey is indeed a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of her father and possibly her brother, Lee. There was even speculation by law officials that Lee was the father of his niece, Caylee. The hatred on Casey's face towards her father is more than apparent! There is a lot of problems and issues in this family. The sad thing is this family, as disfunctional at it was, is now completely destroyed. I doubt it could ever be healed. Part of that is due to the huge circus the media has turned this case into.
The media has been absolutely brutal in this case. In particular to the point of being nauseating is Nancy Grace who calls Casey Tot Mom. She is not only deragoatory and judgemental but just a nasty piece of work. Feeding off of someone's misfortune and judging them guilty before they have been proven to be guilty just makes her look foolish. But what goes around comes around so at some point hopefully she is on the receiving end of what she is dishing out. Now we wait for the verdict and yet the media is hounding the defense team while they are having their lunch. It's sad that the media has to be so callous!
Garden Gnome
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Blog Your Blessings Sunday - Celebrating with Family and Friends
This past week was one of celebration. We attended the 65th birthday celebration of a very good friend during the afternoon on Canada Day (July 1). It was wonderful to be able to share in this happy event! After the birthday celebration we went to another friend's house where we enjoyed a barbeque with him and his young daughter before we all headed out to enjoy the community fireworks. We had a perfect view of them from another friend's side yard. More friends some with their children joined us for a fun filled evening. The fireworks were amazing, filling the night sky with gorgeous colours celebrating Canada's one hundred and forty-fourth birthday. What a great way to enjoy time with family and friends!
Garden Gnome
Friday, July 01, 2011
Happy Canada Day
Today is Canada Day so I would like to wish all of my Canadian readers happy celebrations. We will be enjoying a wonderful day spent with family and friends.
Garden Gnome