I am a huge Twitter fan to the point I follow it daily at home and when away as well as participate and have feeds on 2 of my blogs. Twitter is always on. It's not like I'm in front of it 24/7 and in fact may go several days without tweeting but I always know what's going on in my Twitter stream. Wireless and my iPod touch have made Twitter at my fingertips when I want it. I am also a huge fan of the blogosphere something you should have noticed since I have six blogs. I've kept my mouth shut long enough on the following issue!
On December 14, 2009 I watched a small part of Twitter fall apart. A
mommy blogger posted a tweet to
please pray for her son who had fallen in their pool. Sorry guys I am going to digress a little because many in the blogging community do not like mommy bloggers because they tend to write these phoney, paid posts. Did I mention phoney as in they live in the Philippines but can tell you exactly how to find a great insurance lawyer in Chicago? Anyway, when the tweet came through I kept my fingers crossed but all hell broke out!
On the day little 2 yr old Bryson Ross died in the family pool, his mother Shellie Ross made 84 tweets. Let's put this in perspective. On an average day I may tweet 7 to 10 times if that. Shellie actually sent tweets as her 2 yr old was dying, during the time emergency crews were trying to revive the little one, from the hospital, then more tweets of his picture and is now right back up to speed sending massive tweets on a daily basis. Onto the scene comes the mommy bloggers from momdot.com arranging a fund for little deceased Bryson's family. Innocently Madison McGraw another tweeter and blogger said 'wait a minute and make sure if you are sending money this actually happened". Well there you have it. Suddenly it was Shellie egging on the mommy bloggers who attacked Madison led on by momdot.com leader Trisha. That's were it should have ended but no it did not end there!
Trisha who runs momdot.com had a staff member/moderator Karissa who apparently heartbroken over Bryson's death and the way other mommy bloggers were acting decided to commit suicide. That should have told the mommy bloggers this is huge, leave it alone. No, what did Trisha do but announce the suicide with details of Karissa online including somehow on Karissa's own blog so obviously she had Karissa's password to post the final message. Then as if that wasn't bad enough, Trisha changed all of Karissa's advertising funds that should have gone to the dead woman's estate to her own blog so she could collect any money's earned. At the same time Trisha continued her cyber bullying something she is quite used to doing. She even went so far as to post personal information like home addresses to put Madison and her family at risk. Unfortunately Trisha has continued and will continue this tactic until she is stopped.
Ok so if you are following me so far, the police are still investigating Shellie Ross the mother who thought tweeting was a lot more important than her 2 year old son. In fairness all proceeds raised are going towards a trip to Disney World and trailer trash hubby is sporting a brand new tattoo honouring Bryson. Karissa's family were devastated at having the details of her death with pictures announced online. They had the last time I read hired a lawyer who were going after the trailer trash queen Trisha. Now Trisha has received a few death threats but none like Madison McGraw who started the questions by asking if the death of the child was for real. Police continue to investigate so hopefully charges will be laid shortly. The whole incident has hit national news and continues to unfold online. It gets uglier as the story unfolds! I fear it is going to get a lot uglier.
In the aftermath, these extremely selfish people aka Bryson Ross's family and Trisha Haas mother to Charlotte and wife to a rather geeky looking guy with a really fake smile who live in Alabama have left a trail of hurt and hatred. I would stoop to both their levels by posting their home addresses but choose not to although that information is now out in the blogosphere. Both are well below the level of the definition of being human yet somehow we have to remain stronger than they are to realize that at their hands and directly because of both of them 2 young people are dead. One was 2 year old innocent child and the other 23 year old disillusioned yound adult. Two dead at ages way too young directly as a result of neglect from those they trusted.
What Trisha and Shellie don't realize is their nasty little killing deeds are now out in the general blogosphere. And most bloggers don't give one iota about how mommy bloggers feel. We care about the blogosphere as a whole and that includes not letting blogger trash take other bloggers down because you were too busy tweeting to care for your 2 year old then blaming that blogger because they question your motives. Bloggers in the mainstream blogosphere are not into stealing from other bloggers especially when it comes to a few cents per day in advertising commissions. Shellie and Trisha you have both been outed for the trash you are!
Oh and I should point out that because of this post Shellie, Trisha and their attackers are hot on my trail. Do I care? Yes I care that these 2 idiots lower than humans are responsible for 2 deaths. Do I care? No I don't care that they try to attack me and they will quickly find out others in the blogosphere don't care about the petty little mommy bloggers. Shellie you did the crime you pay the time and it will be that way through the blogosphere. A precious little 2 yr old is dead because you could not get off line long enough to attend his needs? Anyone who can seriously put tweeting their newest tweet ahead of the welfare and safety of a toddler has some serious problems! Give it a rest. Your mommy bloggers may be all soppy but you know what deep down they are saying exactly what I'm saying. You stood there tweeting while your little boy died. How can I make your actions any blunter?
But the reality Shellie is I don't have to wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and realize I am the one and only one responsible for my child's death, you are. What really ticks me off about all of this aside of the senseless deaths is the fact reading you blog you are actually happy your little one is gone. At some point I would have just said this is a Twitter thing, it's not your business, just leave it alone but to see you put into print that you are happy your 2 yr old the one you are responsible for his death, to see you actually say you are happy he is gone. What the hell! How sick can you possibly be to be happy your child is dead and you caused it?
Folks, I am a huge techno fan. I love the internet and I love the interaction but what I just wrote about is the down side. It's what happens when somehow you can't shut online off from off line aka real life. Shellie and her ilk clearly care more about their online world than they do about the real life people around them. Oh well if a kid drowns, it is just a little icon in their world. A little body stacked beside the wayside, a pawn in the game they are playing. So excuse me if me and the rest of the blogosphere get just a tad upset with this mentality. It's not ok. It's not a game and no it is just not ok!